How can I easily format my data table in C++?

In C++, you have three functions to help you do what you want. There are defined in <iomanip>.
setw() helps you defined the width of the output.
setfill() Fill the rest with the character you want (in your case ‘ ‘).
left (or right) allow you to define the alignment.

Here is the code to write your first line :

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    const char separator=" ";
    const int nameWidth     = 6;
    const int numWidth      = 8;

    cout << left << setw(nameWidth) << setfill(separator) << "Bob";
    cout << left << setw(nameWidth) << setfill(separator) << "Doe";
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 10.96;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 7.61;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 14.39;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 2.11;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 47.30;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 14.21;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 44.58;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 5.00;
    cout << left << setw(numWidth) << setfill(separator) << 60.23;
    cout << endl;


To reduce the code, you can use a template function :

template<typename T> void printElement(T t, const int& width)
    cout << left << setw(width) << setfill(separator) << t;

That you can use like this :

printElement("Bob", nameWidth);
printElement("Doe", nameWidth);
printElement(10.96, numWidth);
printElement(17.61, numWidth);
printElement(14.39, numWidth);
printElement(2.11, numWidth);
printElement(47.30, numWidth);
printElement(14.21, numWidth);
printElement(44.58, numWidth);
printElement(5.00, numWidth);
printElement(60.23, numWidth);
cout << endl;

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