How can I guess the encoding of a string in Perl?

To find out in which encoding something unknown uses, you just have to try and look. The modules Encode::Detect and Encode::Guess automate that. (If you have trouble compiling Encode::Detect, try its fork Encode::Detective instead.)

use Encode::Detect::Detector;
my $unknown = "\x{54}\x{68}\x{69}\x{73}\x{20}\x{79}\x{65}\x{61}\x{72}\x{20}".
my $encoding_name = Encode::Detect::Detector::detect($unknown);
print $encoding_name; # gb18030

use Encode;
my $string = decode($encoding_name, $unknown);

I find encode 'ascii' is a lame solution for getting rid of non-ASCII characters. Everything will be substituted with questions marks; this is too lossy to be useful.

# Bad example; don't do this.
use utf8;
use Encode;
my $string = 'This year I went to 北京 Perl workshop.';
print encode('ascii', $string); # This year I went to ?? Perl workshop.

If you want readable ASCII text, I recommend Text::Unidecode instead. This, too, is a lossy encoding, but not as terrible as plain encode above.

use utf8;
use Text::Unidecode;
my $string = 'This year I went to 北京 Perl workshop.';
print unidecode($string); # This year I went to Bei Jing  Perl workshop.

However, avoid those lossy encodings if you can help it. In case you want to reverse the operation later, pick either one of PERLQQ or XMLCREF.

use utf8;
use Encode qw(encode PERLQQ XMLCREF);
my $string = 'This year I went to 北京 Perl workshop.';
print encode('ascii', $string, PERLQQ);  # This year I went to \x{5317}\x{4eac} Perl workshop.
print encode('ascii', $string, XMLCREF); # This year I went to 北京 Perl workshop.

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