How can I lock a table on read, using Entity Framework?

I was only able to really accomplish this by manually issuing a lock statement to a table. This does a complete table lock, so be careful with it! In my case it was useful for creating a queue that I didn’t want multiple processes touching at once.

using (Entities entities = new Entities())
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
    //Lock the table during this transaction
    entities.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 KeyColumn FROM MyTable WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK)");

    //Do your work with the locked table here...

    //Complete the scope here to commit, otherwise it will rollback
    //The table lock will be released after we exit the TransactionScope block

Update – In Entity Framework 6, especially with async / await code, you need to handle the transactions differently. This was crashing for us after some conversions.

using (Entities entities = new Entities())
using (DbContextTransaction scope = entities.Database.BeginTransaction())
    //Lock the table during this transaction
    entities.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 KeyColumn FROM MyTable WITH (TABLOCKX, HOLDLOCK)");

    //Do your work with the locked table here...

    //Complete the scope here to commit, otherwise it will rollback
    //The table lock will be released after we exit the TransactionScope block

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