How can i optimize MySQL’s ORDER BY RAND() function?

Try this:

FROM    (
        SELECT  @cnt := COUNT(*) + 1,
                @lim := 10
        FROM    t_random
        ) vars
        SELECT  r.*,
                @lim := @lim - 1
        FROM    t_random r
        WHERE   (@cnt := @cnt - 1)
                AND RAND(20090301) < @lim / @cnt
        ) i

This is especially efficient on MyISAM (since the COUNT(*) is instant), but even in InnoDB it’s 10 times more efficient than ORDER BY RAND().

The main idea here is that we don’t sort, but instead keep two variables and calculate the running probability of a row to be selected on the current step.

See this article in my blog for more detail:


If you need to select but a single random record, try this:

SELECT  aco.*
FROM    (
        SELECT  minid + FLOOR((maxid - minid) * RAND()) AS randid
        FROM    (
                SELECT  MAX(ac_id) AS maxid, MIN(ac_id) AS minid
                FROM    accomodation
                ) q
        ) q2
JOIN    accomodation aco
ON      aco.ac_id =
        SELECT  accomodation.ac_id
        FROM    accomodation
        WHERE   ac_id > randid
                AND ac_status != 'draft'
                AND ac_images != 'b:0;'
                AND NOT EXISTS
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM    accomodation_category
                WHERE   acat_id = ac_category
                        AND acat_slug = 'vendeglatohely'
        ORDER BY
        LIMIT   1
        SELECT  accomodation.ac_id
        FROM    accomodation
        WHERE   ac_status != 'draft'
                AND ac_images != 'b:0;'
                AND NOT EXISTS
                SELECT  NULL
                FROM    accomodation_category
                WHERE   acat_id = ac_category
                        AND acat_slug = 'vendeglatohely'
        ORDER BY
        LIMIT   1

This assumes your ac_id‘s are distributed more or less evenly.

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