How do I call ::std::make_shared on a class with only protected or private constructors?

This answer is probably better, and the one I’ll likely accept. But I also came up with a method that’s uglier, but does still let everything still be inline and doesn’t require a derived class:

#include <memory>
#include <string>

class A {
   struct this_is_private;

   explicit A(const this_is_private &) {}
   A(const this_is_private &, ::std::string, int) {}

   template <typename... T>
   static ::std::shared_ptr<A> create(T &&...args) {
      return ::std::make_shared<A>(this_is_private{0},

   struct this_is_private {
       explicit this_is_private(int) {}

   A(const A &) = delete;
   const A &operator =(const A &) = delete;

::std::shared_ptr<A> foo()
   return A::create();

::std::shared_ptr<A> bar()
   return A::create("George", 5);

::std::shared_ptr<A> errors()
   ::std::shared_ptr<A> retval;

   // Each of these assignments to retval properly generates errors.
   retval = A::create("George");
   retval = new A(A::this_is_private{0});
   return ::std::move(retval);

Edit 2017-01-06: I changed this to make it clear that this idea is clearly and simply extensible to constructors that take arguments because other people were providing answers along those lines and seemed confused about this.

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