How do I make Chrome Headless after I login manually

No, it won’t be possible to make Chrome operate headlessly after you login manually.

When you configure an instance of a ChromeDriver using ChromeOptions() or DesiredCapabilities() in the process of initiating a new Chrome Browsing Session the configuration gets baked into the chromedriver executable and will persist till the lifetime of the WebDriver and being uneditable. So you can’t add any further ChromeOptions to the WebDriver instance which is currently in execution.

Even if you are able to extract the ChromeDriver and ChromeSession attributes e.g. Session ID, Cookies, UserAgent and other session attributes from the already initiated ChromeDriver and Chrome Browsing Session still you won’t be able to change the set of attributes of the ChromeDriver.

A cleaner way would be to call driver.quit() within tearDown(){} method to close and destroy the current ChromeDriver and Chrome Browser instances gracefully and then span a new set of ChromeDriver and Chrome Browser instance with the new set of configurations.

tl; dr

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