How is CUDA memory managed?

The device memory available to your code at runtime is basically calculated as

Free memory =   total memory 
              - display driver reservations 
              - CUDA driver reservations
              - CUDA context static allocations (local memory, constant memory, device code)
              - CUDA context runtime heap (in kernel allocations, recursive call stack, printf buffer, only on Fermi and newer GPUs)
              - CUDA context user allocations (global memory, textures)

if you are getting an out of memory message, then it is likely that one or more of the first three items is consuming most of the GPU memory before your user code ever tries to get memory in the GPU. If, as you have indicated, you are not running on a display GPU, then the context static allocations are the most likely source of your problem. CUDA works by pre-allocating all the memory a context requires at the time the context is established on the device. There are a lot of things which get allocated to support a context, but the single biggest consumer in a context is local memory. The runtime must reserve the maximum amount of local memory which any kernel in a context will consume for the maximum number of threads which each multiprocessor can run simultaneously, for each multiprocess on the device. This can run into hundreds of Mb of memory if a local memory heavy kernel is loaded on a device with a lot of multiprocessors.

The best way to see what might be going on is to write a host program with no device code which establishes a context and calls cudaMemGetInfo. That will show you how much memory the device has with the minimal context overhead on it. Then run you problematic code, adding the same cudaMemGetInfo call before the first cudaMalloc call that will then give you the amount of memory your context is using. That might let you get a handle of where the memory is going. It is very unlikely that fragmentation is the problem if you are getting failure on the first cudaMalloc call.

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