How should I use FormatMessage() properly in C++?

Here’s the proper way to get an error message back from the system for an HRESULT (named hresult in this case, or you can replace it with GetLastError()):

LPTSTR errorText = NULL;

   // use system message tables to retrieve error text
   // allocate buffer on local heap for error text
   // Important! will fail otherwise, since we're not 
   // (and CANNOT) pass insertion parameters
   (LPTSTR)&errorText,  // output 
   0, // minimum size for output buffer
   NULL);   // arguments - see note 
if ( NULL != errorText )
   // ... do something with the string `errorText` - log it, display it to the user, etc.

   // release memory allocated by FormatMessage()
   errorText = NULL;

The key difference between this and David Hanak’s answer is the use of the FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS flag. MSDN is a bit unclear on how insertions should be used, but Raymond Chen notes that you should never use them when retrieving a system message, as you’ve no way of knowing which insertions the system expects.

FWIW, if you’re using Visual C++ you can make your life a bit easier by using the _com_error class:

   _com_error error(hresult);
   LPCTSTR errorText = error.ErrorMessage();
   // do something with the error...

   //automatic cleanup when error goes out of scope

Not part of MFC or ATL directly as far as I’m aware.

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