How to call an explicitly implemented interface-method on the base class

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible.
Not even with a helper method. The helper method has the same problems as your second attempt: this is of type B, even in the base class and will call the implementation of M in B:

interface I
  int M();
class A : I
  int I.M() { return 1; }
  protected int CallM() { return (this as I).M(); }
class B : A, I
  int I.M() { return CallM(); }

The only workaround would be a helper method in A that is used in A‘s implementation of M:

interface I
  int M();
class A : I
  int I.M() { return CallM(); }
  protected int CallM() { return 1; }
class B : A, I
  int I.M() { return CallM(); }

But you would need to provide a method like this also for B if there will be a class C : B, I

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