How to convert arbitrary simple JSON to CSV using jq?

First, obtain an array containing all the different object property names in your object array input. Those will be the columns of your CSV:

(map(keys) | add | unique) as $cols

Then, for each object in the object array input, map the column names you obtained to the corresponding properties in the object. Those will be the rows of your CSV.

map(. as $row | $cols | map($row[.])) as $rows

Finally, put the column names before the rows, as a header for the CSV, and pass the resulting row stream to the @csv filter.

$cols, $rows[] | @csv

All together now. Remember to use the -r flag to get the result as a raw string:

jq -r '(map(keys) | add | unique) as $cols | map(. as $row | $cols | map($row[.])) as $rows | $cols, $rows[] | @csv'

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