How to deal with multi-level column names downloaded with yfinance

Download all tickers into single dataframe with single level column headers

Option 1

  • When downloading single stock ticker data, the returned dataframe column names are a single level, but don’t have a ticker column.
  • This will download data for each ticker, add a ticker column, and create a single dataframe from all desired tickers.
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd

tickerStrings = ['AAPL', 'MSFT']
df_list = list()
for ticker in tickerStrings:
    data =, group_by="Ticker", period='2d')
    data['ticker'] = ticker  # add this column because the dataframe doesn't contain a column with the ticker

# combine all dataframes into a single dataframe
df = pd.concat(df_list)

# save to csv

Option 2

  • Download all the tickers and unstack the levels
    • group_by='Ticker' puts the ticker at level=0 of the column name
tickerStrings = ['AAPL', 'MSFT']
df =, group_by='Ticker', period='2d')
df = df.stack(level=0).rename_axis(['Date', 'Ticker']).reset_index(level=1)

Read yfinance csv already stored with multi-level column names

  • If you wish to keep, and read in a file with a multi-level column index, use the following code, which will return the dataframe to its original form.
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', header=[0, 1])
df.drop([0], axis=0, inplace=True)  # drop this row because it only has one column with Date in it
df[('Unnamed: 0_level_0', 'Unnamed: 0_level_1')] = pd.to_datetime(df[('Unnamed: 0_level_0', 'Unnamed: 0_level_1')], format="%Y-%m-%d")  # convert the first column to a datetime
df.set_index(('Unnamed: 0_level_0', 'Unnamed: 0_level_1'), inplace=True)  # set the first column as the index = None  # rename the index
  • The issue is, tickerStrings is a list of tickers, which results in a final dataframe with multi-level column names
                AAPL                                                    MSFT                                
                Open      High       Low     Close Adj Close     Volume Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
1980-12-12  0.513393  0.515625  0.513393  0.513393  0.405683  117258400  NaN  NaN NaN   NaN       NaN    NaN
1980-12-15  0.488839  0.488839  0.486607  0.486607  0.384517   43971200  NaN  NaN NaN   NaN       NaN    NaN
1980-12-16  0.453125  0.453125  0.450893  0.450893  0.356296   26432000  NaN  NaN NaN   NaN       NaN    NaN
1980-12-17  0.462054  0.464286  0.462054  0.462054  0.365115   21610400  NaN  NaN NaN   NaN       NaN    NaN
1980-12-18  0.475446  0.477679  0.475446  0.475446  0.375698   18362400  NaN  NaN NaN   NaN       NaN    NaN
  • When this is saved to a csv, it looks like the following example, and results in a dataframe like you’re having issues with.
,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume

Flatten multi-level columns into a single level and add a ticker column

  • If the ticker symbol is level=0 (top) of the column names
    • When group_by='Ticker' is used
df.stack(level=0).rename_axis(['Date', 'Ticker']).reset_index(level=1)
  • If the ticker symbol is level=1 (bottom) of the column names
df.stack(level=1).rename_axis(['Date', 'Ticker']).reset_index(level=1)

Download each ticker and save it to a separate file

  • I recommend downloading and saving each ticker individually, which would look something like the following:
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd

tickerStrings = ['AAPL', 'MSFT']
for ticker in tickerStrings:
    data =, group_by="Ticker", period=prd, interval=intv)
    data['ticker'] = ticker  # add this column because the dataframe doesn't contain a column with the ticker
    data.to_csv(f'ticker_{ticker}.csv')  # ticker_AAPL.csv for example
  • data will look like
                Open      High       Low     Close  Adj Close      Volume ticker
1986-03-13  0.088542  0.101562  0.088542  0.097222   0.062205  1031788800   MSFT
1986-03-14  0.097222  0.102431  0.097222  0.100694   0.064427   308160000   MSFT
1986-03-17  0.100694  0.103299  0.100694  0.102431   0.065537   133171200   MSFT
1986-03-18  0.102431  0.103299  0.098958  0.099826   0.063871    67766400   MSFT
1986-03-19  0.099826  0.100694  0.097222  0.098090   0.062760    47894400   MSFT
  • the resulting csv will look like
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Adj Close,Volume,ticker

Read in multiple files saved with the previous section and create a single dataframe

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

# set the path to the files
p = Path('c:/path_to_files')

# find the files; this is a generator, not a list
files = p.glob('ticker_*.csv')

# read the files into a dataframe
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(file) for file in files])

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