How to enumerate a recursive datatype in Haskell?

My first ugly approach was:

allTerms :: Omega T
allTerms = do
  which <- each [ 1,2,3 ]
  if which == 1 then
    return A
  else if which == 2 then do
    x <- allTerms
    return $ B x
  else do
    x <- allTerms
    y <- allTerms
    return $ C x y

But then, after some cleaning up I reached this one liner

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Omega
import Control.Monad

allTerms :: Omega T
allTerms = join $ each [return A, B <$> allTerms, C <$> allTerms <*> allTerms]

Note that order matters: return A has to be the first choice in the list above, or allTerms will not terminate. Basically, the Omega monad ensures a “fair scheduling” among choices, saving you from e.g. infiniteList ++ something, but does not prevent infinite recursion.

An even more elegant solution was suggested by Crazy FIZRUK, exploiting the
Alternative instance of Omega.

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Control.Monad.Omega

allTerms :: Omega T
allTerms = asum [ pure A
                , B <$> allTerms
                , C <$> allTerms <*> allTerms

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