How to use (->) instances of Monad and confusion about (->)

For a given type r, the function of type r -> a can be thought of as a computation delivering an a using an environment typed r. Given two functions r -> a and a -> (r -> b), it’s easy to imagine that one can compose these when given an environment (again, of type r).

But wait! That’s exactly what monads are about!

So we can create an instance of Monad for (->) r that implements f >>= g by passing the r to both f and g. This is what the Monad instance for (->) r does.

To actually access the environment, you can use id :: r -> r, which you can now think of as a computation running in an environment r and delivering an r. To create local sub-environments, you can use the following:

inLocalEnvironment :: (r -> r) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> a)
inLocalEnvironment xform f = \env -> f (xform env)

This pattern of having an environment passed to computations that can then query it and modify it locally is useful for not just the (->) r monad, which is why it is abstracted into the MonadReader class, using much more sensible names than what I’ve used here:

Basically, it has two instances: (->) r that we’ve seen here, and ReaderT r m, which is just a newtype wrapper around r -> m a, so it’s the same thing as the (->) r monad I’ve described here, except it delivers computations in some other, transformed monad.

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