How to get a content script to load AFTER a page’s Javascript has executed?

"run_at": "document_end" is the equivalent to DOMContentLoaded. That is, it fires after the static HTML is loaded, but before slow images and slow finishing javascript.

So you cannot set a content script to fire after the page’s JS, just by setting the manifest alone. You must code for this in the content script itself.

For content scripts, "run_at": "document_end" will fire before the onload event (unlike the default document_idle — which can fire at unpredictable times).

So, the first step is to wait for the load event with code like this in your content script (searchTopic.js):

window.addEventListener ("load", myMain, false);

function myMain (evt) {

In the case where the script you care about takes a while to finish, you will have to poll for some condition on a case-by-case basis. For example:

window.addEventListener ("load", myMain, false);

function myMain (evt) {
    var jsInitChecktimer = setInterval (checkForJS_Finish, 111);

    function checkForJS_Finish () {
        if (    typeof SOME_GLOBAL_VAR != "undefined"
            ||  document.querySelector ("SOME_INDICATOR_NODE_css_SELECTOR")
        ) {
            clearInterval (jsInitChecktimer);
            // DO YOUR STUFF HERE.

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