How to implement serialization in C++

Using something like Boost Serialization, while by no means a standard, is a (for the most part) very well written library that does the grunt work for you.

The last time I had to manually parse a predefined record structure with a clear inheritance tree, I ended up using the factory pattern with registrable classes (i.e. Using a map of key to a (template) creator function rather than a lot of switch functions) to try and avoid the issue you were having.

A basic C++ implementation of a object factory mentioned in the above paragraph.

* A class for creating objects, with the type of object created based on a key
* @param K the key
* @param T the super class that all created classes derive from
template<typename K, typename T>
class Factory { 
    typedef T *(*CreateObjectFunc)();

    * A map keys (K) to functions (CreateObjectFunc)
    * When creating a new type, we simply call the function with the required key
    std::map<K, CreateObjectFunc> mObjectCreator;

    * Pointers to this function are inserted into the map and called when creating objects
    * @param S the type of class to create
    * @return a object with the type of S
    template<typename S> 
    static T* createObject(){ 
        return new S(); 

    * Registers a class to that it can be created via createObject()
    * @param S the class to register, this must ve a subclass of T
    * @param id the id to associate with the class. This ID must be unique
    template<typename S> 
    void registerClass(K id){ 
        if (mObjectCreator.find(id) != mObjectCreator.end()){ 
            //your error handling here
        mObjectCreator.insert( std::make_pair<K,CreateObjectFunc>(id, &createObject<S> ) ); 

    * Returns true if a given key exists
    * @param id the id to check exists
    * @return true if the id exists
    bool hasClass(K id){
        return mObjectCreator.find(id) != mObjectCreator.end();

    * Creates an object based on an id. It will return null if the key doesn't exist
    * @param id the id of the object to create
    * @return the new object or null if the object id doesn't exist
    T* createObject(K id){
        //Don't use hasClass here as doing so would involve two lookups
        typename std::map<K, CreateObjectFunc>::iterator iter = mObjectCreator.find(id); 
        if (iter == mObjectCreator.end()){ 
            return NULL;
        //calls the required createObject() function
        return ((*iter).second)();

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