How to source a script with environment variables in a docker build process?

Each Dockerfile RUN step runs a new container and a new shell. If you try to set an environment variable in one shell, it will not be visible later on. For example, you might experiment with this Dockerfile:

FROM busybox
ENV FOO=foo1
RUN export FOO=foo2
RUN export BAR=bar
CMD echo FOO is $FOO, BAR is $BAR
# Prints "FOO is foo1, BAR is "

There are three good solutions to this. In order from easiest/best to hardest/most complex:

  1. Avoid needing the environment variables at all. Install software into “system” locations like /usr; it will be isolated inside the Docker image anyways. (Don’t use an additional isolation tool like Python virtual environments, or a version manager like nvm or rvm; just install the specific thing you need.)

  2. Use ENV. This will work:

    FROM busybox
    ENV FOO=foo2
    ENV BAR=bar
    CMD echo FOO is $FOO, BAR is $BAR
    # Prints "FOO is foo2, BAR is bar"
  3. Use an entrypoint script. This typically looks like:

    # Read in the file of environment settings
    . /opt/wherever/env
    # Then run the CMD
    exec "$@"

    COPY this script into your Dockerfile. Make it be the ENTRYPOINT; make the CMD be the thing you’re actually running.

    FROM busybox
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY .
    COPY more_stuff .
    ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]
    CMD ["/app/more_stuff/my_app"]

    If you care about such things, environment variables you set via this approach won’t be visible in docker inspect or a docker exec debug shell; but if you docker run -it ... sh they will be visible. This is a useful and important enough pattern that I almost always use CMD in my Dockerfiles unless I’m specifically trying to do first-time setup like this.

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