Multiple RUN vs. single chained RUN in Dockerfile, which is better?

When possible, I always merge together commands that create files with commands that delete those same files into a single RUN line. This is because each RUN line adds a layer to the image, the output is quite literally the filesystem changes that you could view with docker diff on the temporary container it creates. If you delete a file that was created in a different layer, all the union filesystem does is register the filesystem change in a new layer, the file still exists in the previous layer and is shipped over the networked and stored on disk. So if you download source code, extract it, compile it into a binary, and then delete the tgz and source files at the end, you really want this all done in a single layer to reduce image size.

Next, I personally split up layers based on their potential for reuse in other images and expected caching usage. If I have 4 images, all with the same base image (e.g. debian), I may pull a collection of common utilities to most of those images into the first run command so the other images benefit from caching.

Order in the Dockerfile is important when looking at image cache reuse. I look at any components that will update very rarely, possibly only when the base image updates and put those high up in the Dockerfile. Towards the end of the Dockerfile, I include any commands that will run quick and may change frequently, e.g. adding a user with a host specific UID or creating folders and changing permissions. If the container includes interpreted code (e.g. JavaScript) that is being actively developed, that gets added as late as possible so that a rebuild only runs that single change.

In each of these groups of changes, I consolidate as best I can to minimize layers. So if there are 4 different source code folders, those get placed inside a single folder so it can be added with a single command. Any package installs from something like apt-get are merged into a single RUN when possible to minimize the amount of package manager overhead (updating and cleaning up).

Update for multi-stage builds:

I worry much less about reducing image size in the non-final stages of a multi-stage build. When these stages aren’t tagged and shipped to other nodes, you can maximize the likelihood of a cache reuse by splitting each command to a separate RUN line.

However, this isn’t a perfect solution to squashing layers since all you copy between stages are the files, and not the rest of the image meta-data like environment variable settings, entrypoint, and command. And when you install packages in a linux distribution, the libraries and other dependencies may be scattered throughout the filesystem, making a copy of all the dependencies difficult.

Because of this, I use multi-stage builds as a replacement for building binaries on a CI/CD server, so that my CI/CD server only needs to have the tooling to run docker build, and not have a jdk, nodejs, go, and any other compile tools installed.

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