How to store functional objects with different signatures in a container?

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

class api {
    // maps containing the different function pointers
    typedef void(*voidfuncptr)();
    typedef int(*stringcrintptr)(std::string, const int&);

    std::map<std::string, voidfuncptr> voida;
    std::map<std::string, stringcrintptr> stringcrint;
    // api temp class
    // given an api and a name, it converts to a function pointer
    // depending on parameters used
    class apitemp {
        const std::string n;
        const api* p;
        apitemp(const std::string& name, const api* parent)
            : n(name), p(parent) {}
        operator voidfuncptr()
        { return p->voida.find(n)->second; }
        operator stringcrintptr()
        { return p->stringcrint.find(n)->second; }

    // insertion of new functions into appropriate maps
    void insert(const std::string& name, voidfuncptr ptr)
    { voida[name]=ptr; }
    void insert(const std::string& name, stringcrintptr ptr)
    { stringcrint[name]=ptr; }
    // operator[] for the name gets halfway to the right function
    apitemp operator[](std::string n) const
    { return apitemp(n, this); }


api myMap; 

int hello_world(std::string name, const int & number )
    name += "!";
    std::cout << "Hello, " << name << std::endl;
    return number;

int main()
    myMap.insert("my_method_hello", &hello_world );
    int a = myMap["my_method_hello"]("Tim", 25);

Not very pretty. Better advice is to not do anything even remotely like whatever it is you’re trying to do.

Note that this requires all functions with the same parameters to return the same type.

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