How to use command line arguments in Fortran?

If you want to get the arguments fed to your program on the command line, use the (since Fortran 2003) standard intrinsic subroutine GET_COMMAND_ARGUMENT. Something like this might work

     REAL(8)    :: A,B
     integer :: num_args, ix
     character(len=12), dimension(:), allocatable :: args

     num_args = command_argument_count()
     allocate(args(num_args))  ! I've omitted checking the return status of the allocation 

     do ix = 1, num_args
         call get_command_argument(ix,args(ix))
         ! now parse the argument as you wish
     end do



  • The second argument to the subroutine get_command_argument is a character variable which you’ll have to parse to turn into a real (or whatever). Note also that I’ve allowed only 12 characters in each element of the args array, you may want to fiddle around with that.
  • As you’ve already figured out read isn’t used for reading command line arguments in Fortran programs.

Since you want to read an array of real numbers, you might be better off using the approach you’ve already figured out, that is reading them from the terminal after the program has started, it’s up to you.

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