How to work with PGpoint for Geolocation using PostgreSQL?

There is no way to save/update/get/ PGpoint object directly,
Then you have to create your own user type for supporting PGpoint in order to convert it, before this is saved, UserType is a class of Hibernate which allows to create custom type in order to convert it before to save on database.
Here is code that you need to implement:

First: Need to create a class that implements of UserType:

public class PGPointType implements UserType {
    public int[] sqlTypes() {
        return new int[]

    public Class<PGpoint> returnedClass() {
        return PGpoint.class;

    public boolean equals(Object obj, Object obj1) {
        return ObjectUtils.equals(obj, obj1);

    public int hashCode(Object obj) {
        return obj.hashCode();

    public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String[] names, SharedSessionContractImplementor sharedSessionContractImplementor, Object o) throws SQLException {
        if (names.length == 1) {
            if (resultSet.wasNull() || resultSet.getObject(names[0]) == null) {
                return null;
            } else {
                return new PGpoint(resultSet.getObject(names[0]).toString());
        return null;

    public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement statement, Object value, int index, SharedSessionContractImplementor sharedSessionContractImplementor) throws SQLException {
        if (value == null) {
            statement.setNull(index, Types.OTHER);
        } else {
            statement.setObject(index, value, Types.OTHER);

    public Object deepCopy(Object obj) {
        return obj;

    public boolean isMutable() {
        return Boolean.FALSE;

    public Serializable disassemble(Object obj) {
        return (Serializable) obj;

    public Object assemble(Serializable serializable, Object obj) {
        return serializable;

    public Object replace(Object obj, Object obj1, Object obj2) {
        return obj;


Second: Need to add on entity header @TypeDef annotation, add a name and the PGPointType that you created it and on some field header of type PGpoint, add @Type annotation with the name that you created it:

  @TypeDef(name = "type", typeClass = PGPointType.class)
  public class Entity {

       @Type(type = "type")
       private PGpoint pgPoint;

       // Getters and setters 


Kind regards.

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