Inline function v. Macro in C — What’s the Overhead (Memory/Speed)?

Calling an inline function may or may not generate a function call, which typically incurs a very small amount of overhead. The exact situations under which an inline function actually gets inlined vary depending on the compiler; most make a good-faith effort to inline small functions (at least when optimization is enabled), but there is no requirement that they do so (C99, ยง6.7.4):

Making a function an inline function
suggests that calls to the function be
as fast as possible. The extent to
which such suggestions are effective
is implementation-defined.

A macro is less likely to incur such overhead (though again, there is little to prevent a compiler from somehow doing something; the standard doesn’t define what machine code programs must expand to, only the observable behavior of a compiled program).

Use whatever is cleaner. Profile. If it matters, do something different.

Also, what fizzer said; calls to pow (and division) are both typically more expensive than function-call overhead. Minimizing those is a good start:

double ratio = SigmaSquared/RadialDistanceSquared;
double AttractiveTerm = ratio*ratio*ratio;
EnergyContribution += 4 * Epsilon * AttractiveTerm * (AttractiveTerm - 1.0);

Is EnergyContribution made up only of terms that look like this? If so, pull the 4 * Epsilon out, and save two multiplies per iteration:

double ratio = SigmaSquared/RadialDistanceSquared;
double AttractiveTerm = ratio*ratio*ratio;
EnergyContribution += AttractiveTerm * (AttractiveTerm - 1.0);
// later, once you've done all of those terms...
EnergyContribution *= 4 * Epsilon;

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