Insert if not exists, else return id in postgresql

Yes there is returning

INSERT INTO tag ("key", "value")
SELECT 'key1', 'value1'
    SELECT id, "key", "value"
    FROM node_tag
    WHERE key = 'key1' AND value="value1"
returning id, "key", "value"

To return the row if it already exists

with s as (
    select id, "key", "value"
    from tag
    where key = 'key1' and value="value1"
), i as (
    insert into tag ("key", "value")
    select 'key1', 'value1'
    where not exists (select 1 from s)
    returning id, "key", "value"
select id, "key", "value"
from i
union all
select id, "key", "value"
from s

If the row does not exist it will return the inserted one else the existing one.

BTW, if the pair “key””value” makes it unique then it is the primary key, and there is no need for an id column. Unless one or both of the “key””value” pair can be null.

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