iOS 8 removed “minimal-ui” viewport property, are there other “soft fullscreen” solutions?

The minimal-ui viewport property is no longer supported in iOS 8. However, the minimal-ui itself is not gone. User can enter the minimal-ui with a “touch-drag down” gesture.

There are several pre-conditions and obstacles to manage the view state, e.g. for minimal-ui to work, there has to be enough content to enable user to scroll; for minimal-ui to persist, window scroll must be offset on page load and after orientation change. However, there is no way of calculating the dimensions of the minimal-ui using the screen variable, and thus no way of telling when user is in the minimal-ui in advance.

These observations is a result of research as part of developing Brim – view manager for iOS 8. The end implementation works in the following way:

When page is loaded, Brim will create a treadmill element.
Treadmill element is used to give user space to scroll. Presence of
the treadmill element ensures that user can enter the minimal-ui view
and that it continues to persist if user reloads the page or changes
device orientation. It is invisible to the user the entire time. This
element has ID brim-treadmill.

Upon loading the page or after changing the orientation, Brim is using
Scream to detect if page is in the
minimal-ui view (page that has been previously in minimal-ui and has
been reloaded will remain in the minimal-ui if content height is
greater than the viewport height).

When page is in the minimal-ui, Brim will disable scrolling of the
document (it does this in a safe
that does not affect
the contents of the main element). Disabling document scrolling
prevents accidentally leaving the minimal-ui when scrolling upwards.
As per the original iOS 7.1 spec, tapping the top bar brings back the
rest of the chrome.

The end result looks like this:

Brim in iOS simulator.

For the sake of documentation, and in case you prefer to write your own implementation, it is worth noting that you cannot use Scream to detect if device is in minimal-ui straight after the orientationchange event because window dimensions do not reflect the new orientation until the rotation animation has ended. You have to attach a listener to the orientationchangeend event.

Scream and orientationchangeend have been developed as part of this project.

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