Is there a way to create out of DOM elements in Web Worker?

Alright, I did some more research with the information @Bergi provided and found the following discussion on W3C mailing list:

And the excerpt that answers why there is no access to the XML parser or DOM parser in the Web Worker:

You’re assuming that none of the DOM implementation code uses any sort
of non-DOM objects, ever, or that if it does those objects are fully
threadsafe. That’s just not not the case, at least in Gecko.

The issue in this case is not the same DOM object being touched on
multiple threads. The issue is two DOM objects on different threads
both touching some global third object.

For example, the XML parser has to do some things that in Gecko can
only be done on the main thread (DTD loading, offhand; there are a
few others that I’ve seen before but don’t recall offhand).

There is however also a workaround mentioned, which is using a third-party implementation of the parsers, of which jsdom is an example. With this you even have access to your own separate Document.

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