Is there any way at all that I can tell how hard the screen is being pressed

You cannot get the pressure from the SDK nor undocumented methods. However you can detect the size of touch with undocumented methods.

In the GSEvent, which is a lower-level representation of UIEvent, there is a structure known as GSPathInfo with members:

typedef struct GSPathInfo {
    unsigned char pathIndex;        // 0x0 = 0x5C
    unsigned char pathIdentity;     // 0x1 = 0x5D
    unsigned char pathProximity;    // 0x2 = 0x5E
    CGFloat pathPressure;               // 0x4 = 0x60
    CGFloat pathMajorRadius;        // 0x8 = 0x64
    CGPoint pathLocation;           // 0xC = 0x68
    GSWindowRef pathWindow;         // 0x14 = 0x70
} GSPathInfo;

We notice that there is a pathPressure and pathMajorRadius. I can assure you the pressure member is useless – it always gives 0. However pathMajorRadius does contain meaningful information – it gives the major radius of the touch in millimeters. You can therefore give an extremely rough estimation if it’s a heavy touch or light touch from the radius.

  -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
     GSEventRef gsevent = [event _gsEvent];
     GSPathInfo first_touch = GSEventGetPathInfoAtIndex(gsevent, 0);
     if (first_touch.pathMajorRadius >= 9)
        NSLog(@"huge (heavy) touch");
        NSLog(@"little (light) touch");

Let me warn you again this is undocumented and you should not use it in AppStore apps.

Edit: On 3.2 and above the pathMajorRadius of a GSPathInfo is also available as an undocumented property in UITouch:

@property(assign, nonatomic, setter=_setPathMajorRadius:) CGFloat _pathMajorRadius;

so the code above could be rewritten using pure Objective-C:

  -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet*)touches withEvent:(UIEvent*)event {
     UITouch* any_touch = [touches anyObject];
     if (any_touch._pathMajorRadius >= 9)
        NSLog(@"huge (heavy) touch");
        NSLog(@"little (light) touch");

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