support in Eclipse IDE

I assume you want to be able to use step-through debugging from Eclipse. You can just run the classes externally by setting the built classes in the bin directories on the JRE classpath.

java -cp workspace\p1\bin;workspace\p2\bin foo.Main

You can debug using the remote debugger and taking advantage of the class files built in your project.

In this example, the Eclipse project structure looks like this:


1. Start the JVM Console in Debug Mode

debug.bat is a Windows batch file that should be run externally from a cmd.exe console.

SET A_DBG=-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=%A_PORT%,server=y,suspend=y
java.exe %A_DBG% -cp .\bin Main

In the arguments, the debug port has been set to 8787. The suspend=y argument tells the JVM to wait until the debugger attaches.

2. Create a Debug Launch Configuration

In Eclipse, open the Debug dialog (Run > Open Debug Dialog…) and create a new Remote Java Application configuration with the following settings:

  • Project: your project name
  • Connection Type: Standard (Socket Attach)
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 8787

3. Debugging

So, all you have to do any time you want to debug the app is:

  • set a break point
  • launch the batch file in a console
  • launch the debug configuration

You can track this issue in bug 122429. You can work round this issue in your application by using an abstraction layer as described here.

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