javascript | Object grouping

Reduce is great for situations like this. Given list below is your input data:

const list = [{
    'name': 'Display',
    'group': 'Technical detals',
    'id': '60',
    'value': '4'
    'name': 'Manufacturer',
    'group': 'Manufacturer',
    'id': '58',
    'value': 'Apple'
    'name': 'OS',
    'group': 'Technical detals',
    'id': '37',
    'value': 'Apple iOS'

const groups = list.reduce((groups, item) => {
  const group = (groups[] || []);
  groups[] = group;
  return groups;
}, {});


And if you wanted to be immutable, you could write the reduce like this:

const list = [{
    'name': 'Display',
    'group': 'Technical detals',
    'id': '60',
    'value': '4'
    'name': 'Manufacturer',
    'group': 'Manufacturer',
    'id': '58',
    'value': 'Apple'
    'name': 'OS',
    'group': 'Technical detals',
    'id': '37',
    'value': 'Apple iOS'

const groups = list.reduce((groups, item) => ({
  []: [...(groups[] || []), item]
}), {});


Depending on whether your environment allows the spread syntax.

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