json_decode returns JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX but online formatter says the JSON is OK

I faced the same issue, actually there are some hidden characters unseen and you need to remove it.
Here’s a global code that works for many cases:

$checkLogin = file_get_contents("http://yourwebsite.com/JsonData");

// This will remove unwanted characters.
// Check http://www.php.net/chr for details
for ($i = 0; $i <= 31; ++$i) { 
    $checkLogin = str_replace(chr($i), "", $checkLogin); 
$checkLogin = str_replace(chr(127), "", $checkLogin);

// This is the most common part
// Some file begins with 'efbbbf' to mark the beginning of the file. (binary level)
// here we detect it and we remove it, basically it's the first 3 characters 
if (0 === strpos(bin2hex($checkLogin), 'efbbbf')) {
   $checkLogin = substr($checkLogin, 3);

$checkLogin = json_decode( $checkLogin );

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