LCOV/GCOV branch coverage with C++ producing branches all over the place

The thing is that GCC also records branch information for each line where a scope exit due to some thrown exception is possible (e.g. on Fedora 25 with GCC 6.3.1 and lcov 1.12).

The value of this information is limited. The main use case for branch coverage data are complicated if-statements that have a multi-clausal logical expression like this:

if (foo < 1 && (bar > x || y == 0))

Say you are interested to verify whether your test suite also covers the bar > x case or if you just have test cases where y == 0.

For this, branch coverage data collection and the visualization by lcov’s genhtml is useful. For simple if-statements like

if (p == nullptr) {
  return false;
return true;

you don’t need branch coverage data because you see whether the branch was taken or not via looking at the coverage of the following lines.

The input of genhtml that is generated by lcov is in a relatively simple text format (cf. geninfo(1)). Thus, you can post-process it such that all lines that start with BRDA: and don’t belong to an if-statement are removed. See for example which implements this approach. See also for the other lcov/genhtml processing steps and an example project where the resulting trace file is uploaded to codecov (codecov doesn’t use genhtml but can import lcov trace files and displays branch coverage data).


  • disabling exceptions is only an option when your C++ code doesn’t use any
  • compiling with something like -O1 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls somewhat reduces the number of recorded branch coverage data, but not much
  • Clang supports GCOV style coverage collection but also implements a different approach, called ‘source-based code coverage’ (compile with -fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping and post-process with llvm-profdata and llvm-cov). That toolchain doesn’t support branch coverage data, though (as of 2017-05-01).
  • by default, lcov+genhtml don’t generate branch coverage data – sometimes you don’t really need it (see above), thus, it is then an option to disable it (cf. --rc lcov_branch_coverage=0 and --no-branch-coverage)

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