Linq “Could not translate expression… into SQL and could not treat it as a local expression.”

You could use AsEnumerable on the entity, but that would force it to bring back all the columns (even if not used); perhaps instead something like:

var q1 = from ent in LinqUtils.GetTable<Entity>()
         from tel in ent.Telephones.DefaultIfEmpty()
         select new {
           Name = ent.FormattedName,
           Number = (tel == null ? null : ent.Number),
           Extension = (tel == null ? null : ent.Extension)

var q2 = from row in q1.AsEnumerable()
         select new {
             FormattedNumber = FormatNumber(row.Number, row.Extension)

where FormatNumber is some method that takes the two and merges them, presumably re-used from your other (property) code.

With LINQ-to-SQL, another option is to expose a UDF on the data-context that does the formatting inside the database; a slightly different example:

var qry = from cust in ctx.Customers // and tel
          select new {
              FormattedNumber = ctx.FormatNumber(tel.Number, tel.Extension)

(which will do the work at the database; whether or not that is a good idea ;-p)

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