Maximum sum sublist?

There’s actually a very elegant, very efficient solution using dynamic programming. It takes O(1) space, and O(n) time — this can’t be beat!

Define A to be the input array (zero-indexed) and B[i] to be the maximum sum over all sublists ending at, but not including position i (i.e. all sublists A[j:i]). Therefore, B[0] = 0, and B[1] = max(B[0]+A[0], 0), B[2] = max(B[1]+A[1], 0), B[3] = max(B[2]+A[2], 0), and so on. Then, clearly, the solution is given simply by max(B[0], ..., B[n]).

Since every B value depends only on the previous B, we can avoid storing the whole B array, thus giving us our O(1) space guarantee.

With this approach, mssl reduces to a very simple loop:

def mssl(l):
    best = cur = 0
    for i in l:
        cur = max(cur + i, 0)
        best = max(best, cur)
    return best


>>> mssl([3,4,5])
>>> mssl([4, -2, -8, 5, -2, 7, 7, 2, -6, 5])
>>> mssl([-2,-3,-5])

If you want the start and end slice indices, too, you need to track a few more bits of information (note this is still O(1) space and O(n) time, it’s just a bit hairier):

def mssl(l):
    best = cur = 0
    curi = starti = besti = 0
    for ind, i in enumerate(l):
        if cur+i > 0:
            cur += i
        else: # reset start position
            cur, curi = 0, ind+1

        if cur > best:
            starti, besti, best = curi, ind+1, cur
    return starti, besti, best

This returns a tuple (a, b, c) such that sum(l[a:b]) == c and c is maximal:

>>> mssl([4, -2, -8, 5, -2, 7, 7, 2, -6, 5])
(3, 8, 19)
>>> sum([4, -2, -8, 5, -2, 7, 7, 2, -6, 5][3:8])

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