Missing VBA compiler message for wrong method name

As I have been explained (kudos go respectively), this is a COM feature.

By default COM assumes an interface is extensible, that is, it allows adding members at run time. If that is not the desired behaviour, one can apply the [nonextensible] attribute to the interface definition, which declares the interface only accepts methods explicitly defined in the type library.

dispinterface _Application and dispinterface _Workbook do not have this flag set in the Excel type library, dispinterface _Worksheet does.

Similarly, ADO’s dispinterface _Connection does not have [nonextensible], dispinterface _Command does.

To learn which are extensible, add a reference to TypeLib Info in the project’s References and run:

Dim t As tli.TLIApplication
Set t = New tli.TLIApplication

Dim ti As tli.TypeLibInfo
Set ti = t.TypeLibInfoFromFile("excel.exe")

Dim i As tli.InterfaceInfo
For Each i In ti.Interfaces
      Debug.Print i.Name
  End If

You will see that almost all interfaces are extensible here, so most of them get pushed out of the debug window and you will only see the last ones. Change the <> to = to print those that are not extensible, there are much less of them.

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