Moving to Android from J2ME [closed]

Actually the Android API is much more powerful than the J2ME.

It is much easier to create an application for the Android.

Using the J2ME you are limited to simple forms due to the absent of swing-like libraries (though now there exists a library called LWUIT, avoiding the need to recreate from scratch a swing-like library).

In Android you will be able to create complex form very quickly, and software package for the android SDK is easy to install (while in J2ME you have to install the wireless development toolkit from sun, or install one of Nokia’s, Samsung’s or SonyEricsson’s… it gets a bit confusing sometimes).

The things I had to change when switching from j2me to android were:

1/ The font and graphics class is easier to use on j2me. The API is more thorough on Android, but also more complicated.

2/ If you are used to the database storage of j2me (RecordStore), well you can forget it in Android. You will have to use a SQL-like databased, so be prepared to rethink your data model.

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