Multiple random numbers are the same [duplicate]

The reason this happens is that every time you do a new Random it is initialized using the clock. So in a tight loop (or many calls one after the other) you get the same value lots of times since all those random variables are initialized with the same seed.

To solve this: Create only one Random variable, preferably outside your function and use only that one instance.

Random random1 = new Random();
private void Draw()
    int randomNumber1 = random1.Next(0, 300);
    int randomNumber2 = random1.Next(0, 300);
    int randomNumber3 = random1.Next(0, 300);
    int randomNumber4 = random1.Next(0, 300);
    System.Drawing.Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
    Pen green = new Pen(Color.Green, 5);
    g.DrawLine(green, new Point(randomNumber1, randomNumber2), new Point(randomNumber3, randomNumber4));

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