Node js socket explanation

You really don’t want to fire off 1,000,000 requests and somehow hope that maxSockets manages it to 100 at a time. There are a whole bunch of reasons why that is not a great way to do things. Instead, you should use your own code that manages the number of live connections to 100 at a time.

There are a number of ways to do that:

  1. Write your own code that fires up 100 and then each time one finishes, it fires up the next one.

  2. Use Bluebird’s which has a built-in concurrency feature that will manage how many are inflight at the same time.

  3. Use Async’s async.mapLimit() which has a built-in concurrency feature that will manage how many are inflight at the same time.

As for writing code yourself to do this, you could do something like this;

function fetchAll() {
    var start = 1;
    var end = 1000000;
    var concurrentMax = 100;
    var concurrentCnt = 0;
    var cntr = start;
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

        // start up requests until the max concurrent requests are going
        function run() {
            while (cntr < end && concurrentCnt < concurrentMax) {
                fetchData(cntr++).then(function() {
                }, function(err) {
                    // decide what to do with error here
                    // to continue processing more requests, call run() here
                    // to stop processing more requests, call reject(err) here
            if (cntr >= end && concurrentCnt === 0) {
                // all requests are done here



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