Open Mobile Safari from a Link in a WebView

So, as of iOS 6.0.2, there is still isn’t a URL scheme specific to MobileSafari (see below). However, Federico Viticci has posted an interesting hack that will allow you to call Safari from Chrome for iOS. It’s not as functional as a Chrome-to-Safari bookmarklet, but it does show it’s possible to launch MobileSafari from Chrome for iOS.

Original Answer:
It turns out you can’t open a link in Safari using just a URI scheme. Hyperlinks in other apps can be opened in safari using openURL (see other answers), but there is no scheme for MobileSafari itself (which you would need if you were to open a link in Safari using a hyperlink in Chrome or Opera for iOS).

Google Chrome has the following two URI schemes: googlechrome:// and googlechromes:// (for HTTPS) that work just as any other app-specific scheme (such as dayone://, things://, or sms://).

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