PostgreSQL: fill NULL values in timeserie query with previous value

I found the following method easier:

Create the given data sample:

WITH example (date,close) AS 
SELECT * INTO temporary table market_summary FROM example;

Query to fill NULL values with the previous filled value

    first_value(close) over (partition by grp_close) as corrected_close
from (
      select date, close,
             sum(case when close is not null then 1 end) over (order by date) as grp_close
      from   market_summary
) t


date      | close | corrected_close
12:00:00  | 3     | 3
12:01:00  | 4     | 4
12:02:00  | 5     | 5
12:03:00  | NULL  | 5
12:04:00  | NULL  | 5
12:05:00  | 3     | 3
  • close: existing value
  • corrected_close: corrected value

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