printf in bash: “09” and “08” are invalid numbers, “07” and “06” are fine

If you have your "09" in a variable, you can do

echo "$a"
echo "${a#0}"
printf "%04d" "${a#0}"

Why does this help? Well, a number literal starting with 0 but having no x at the 2nd place is interpreted as octal value.

Octal value only have the digits 0..7, 8 and 9 are unknown.

"${a#0}" strips one leading 0. The resulting value can be fed to printf then, which prints it appropriately, with 0 prefixed, in 4 digits.

If you have to expect that you get values such as "009", things get more complicated as you’ll have to use a loop which eliminates all excess 0s at the start, or an extglob expression as mentioned in the comments.

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