Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations

You can still use the zlib module to inflate/deflate data. The gzip module uses it internally, but adds a file-header to make it into a gzip-file. Looking at the file, something like this could work:

import zlib

def deflate(data, compresslevel=9):
    compress = zlib.compressobj(
            compresslevel,        # level: 0-9
            zlib.DEFLATED,        # method: must be DEFLATED
            -zlib.MAX_WBITS,      # window size in bits:
                                  #   -15..-8: negate, suppress header
                                  #   8..15: normal
                                  #   16..30: subtract 16, gzip header
            zlib.DEF_MEM_LEVEL,   # mem level: 1..8/9
            0                     # strategy:
                                  #   0 = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY
                                  #   1 = Z_FILTERED
                                  #   2 = Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY
                                  #   3 = Z_RLE
                                  #   4 = Z_FIXED
    deflated = compress.compress(data)
    deflated += compress.flush()
    return deflated

def inflate(data):
    decompress = zlib.decompressobj(
            -zlib.MAX_WBITS  # see above
    inflated = decompress.decompress(data)
    inflated += decompress.flush()
    return inflated

I don’t know if this corresponds exactly to whatever your server requires, but those two functions are able to round-trip any data I tried.

The parameters maps directly to what is passed to the zlib library functions.


The constructors create the structure and populate it with default values, and pass it along to the init-functions.
The compress/decompress methods update the structure and pass it to inflate/deflate.

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