React: Hide a Component on a specific Route

I’m new to React too, but came across this problem. A react-router based alternative to the accepted answer would be to use withRouter, which wraps the component you want to hide and provides it with location prop (amongst others).

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';    
const ComponentToHide = (props) => {
  const { location } = props;
  if (location.pathname.match(/routeOnWhichToHideIt/)){
    return null;

  return (

const ComponentThatHides = withRouter(ComponentToHide);

Note though this caveat from the docs:

withRouter does not subscribe to location changes like React Redux’s
connect does for state changes. Instead, re-renders after location
changes propagate out from the component. This means that
withRouter does not re-render on route transitions unless its parent
component re-renders.

This caveat not withstanding, this approach seems to work for me for a very similar use case to the OP’s.

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