Remove line breaks in a FASTA file

This awk program:

% awk '!/^>/ { printf "%s", $0; n = "\n" } 
/^>/ { print n $0; n = "" }
END { printf "%s", n }
' input.fasta

Will yield:



On lines that don’t start with a >, print the line without a line break and store a newline character (in variable n) for later.

On lines that do start with a >, print the stored newline character (if any) and the line. Reset n, in case this is the last line.

End with a newline, if required.


By default, variables are initialized to the empty string. There is no need to explicitly “initialize” a variable in , which is what you would do in and in most other traditional languages. Using Variables in a Program, The GNU Awk User’s Guide

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