Replacing occurrences of a number in multiple columns of data frame with another value in R

you want to search through the whole data frame for any value that matches the value you’re trying to replace. the same way you can run a logical test like replacing all missing values with 10..

data[ data ) ] <- 10

you can also replace all 4s with 10s.

data[ data == 4 ] <- 10

at least i think that’s what you’re after?

and let’s say you wanted to ignore the first row (since it’s all letters)

# identify which columns contain the values you might want to replace
data[ , 2:3 ]

# subset it with extended bracketing..
data[ , 2:3 ][ data[ , 2:3 ] == 4 ]
# ..those were the values you're going to replace

# now overwrite 'em with tens
data[ , 2:3 ][ data[ , 2:3 ] == 4 ] <- 10

# look at the final data

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