Rolling median algorithm in C

I have looked at R’s src/library/stats/src/Trunmed.c a few times as I wanted something similar too in a standalone C++ class / C subroutine. Note that this are actually two implementations in one, see src/library/stats/man/runmed.Rd (the source of the help file) which says

  Apart from the end values, the result \code{y = runmed(x, k)} simply has
  \code{y[j] = median(x[(j-k2):(j+k2)])} (k = 2*k2+1), computed very

  The two algorithms are internally entirely different:
    \item{"Turlach"}{is the Härdle-Steiger
      algorithm (see Ref.) as implemented by Berwin Turlach.
      A tree algorithm is used, ensuring performance \eqn{O(n \log
        k)}{O(n * log(k))} where \code{n <- length(x)} which is
      asymptotically optimal.}
    \item{"Stuetzle"}{is the (older) Stuetzle-Friedman implementation
      which makes use of median \emph{updating} when one observation
      enters and one leaves the smoothing window.  While this performs as
      \eqn{O(n \times k)}{O(n * k)} which is slower asymptotically, it is
      considerably faster for small \eqn{k} or \eqn{n}.}

It would be nice to see this re-used in a more standalone fashion. Are you volunteering? I can help with some of the R bits.

Edit 1: Besides the link to the older version of Trunmed.c above, here are current SVN copies of

Edit 2: Ryan Tibshirani has some C and Fortran code on fast median binning which may be a suitable starting point for a windowed approach.

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