Run-time error ’91’ (Object variable or With block variable not set)

I’m reviewing this code and the site, and have the following observations, which when addressed, should resolve the problem.

enter image description here

  1. The HTML example you provided is simply incorrect, based on the actual HTML that is returned from the “Check” button.

    The actual HTML returned looks like this, and the classname is "displayname", not "summarydisplaycrd":

<div class="SearchResultItemColor bcrow">
    <div class="searchresulttext">
        <div class="bcsearchresultfirstcol">
                <span class="displayname">[redacted]</span> <span class="displaycrd">(CRD# 123456789)</span>
  1. Your code exits the For each element loop upon finding the first “submit” button. This may not be the “Check” button (although I can get results either way, you may want to add more logic in the code to ensure the “Check ” button is submit.


On further review, while I can replicate the Type 91 error, I still don’t know why your class name appears different than mine (maybe an IE11 thing, dunno…) in any case, I’m able to resolve that by forcing a longer delay, as in this case the DoEvents loop is simply not adequate (sometimes this is the case when data is served dynamically from external functions, the browser is ReadyState=4 and .Busy=True, so the loop doesn’t do anything)

I use the WinAPI Sleep function and force a 1 second delay after the “Click” button pressed, looping on condition of ReadyState = 4 and .Busy=True.

NOTE you will need to modify the classname parameter depending on how it is appearing on your HTML.

Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub finra()
Dim IE As Object
Dim doc As Object, element As Object, elements As Object, crd

Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate ("")

Call WaitIE(IE, 1000)

'Enter values from the corresponding sheet
'Set some generic typing for ease
Set doc = IE.document

    doc.GetElementbyID("GenericSearch_IndividualSearchText").Value = "steve"
    doc.GetElementbyID("GenericSearch_EmploymingFirmSearchText").Value = "ed"

    Set elements = doc.getElementsByTagName("button")
    For Each element In elements
    If element.getAttribute("type") = "submit" Then
        If element.innerText = "Check " Then
            Exit For
        End If
    End If
    Next element

Call WaitIE(IE, 1000)

Dim itms As Object
'Set itms = doc.getElementsByClassName("displaycrd")
    crd = doc.getElementsByClassName("displaycrd")(0).innerText 'here is where the run time error occurs
    MsgBox crd
End Sub

Sub WaitIE(IE As Object, Optional time As Long = 250)
Dim i As Long
    Sleep time
    Debug.Print CStr(i) & vbTab & "Ready: " & CStr(IE.ReadyState = 4) & _
                vbCrLf & vbTab & "Busy: " & CStr(IE.Busy)
    i = i + 1
Loop Until IE.ReadyState = 4 And Not IE.Busy
End Sub

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