Running a command from Ruby displaying and capturing the output

You can run system call like this:

`sleep --help`

Or like this

system "sleep --help"


%x{ sleep --help }

In case of system it will print output and return true or nil, other two methods will return output

PS Oh. It is about displaying in real time.

So. You could use something like this:

system("ruby", "-e 100.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}", out: $stdout, err: :out)

To print data in realtime and store it in variable:

output = []
r, io = IO.pipe
fork do
  system("ruby", "-e 3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}", out: io, err: :out)
r.each_line{|l| puts l; output << l.chomp}
#=> 0
#=> 1
#=> 2
p output
#=> ['0', '1', '2']

Or use popen

output = []
IO.popen("ruby -e '3.times{|i| p i; sleep 1}'").each do |line|
  p line.chomp
  output << line.chomp
#=> '0'
#=> '1'
#=> '2'
p output
#=> ['0', '1', '2']

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