Save BitmapImage to File

When you create your BitmapImage from a Uri, time is required to download the image.

If you check the following property, the value will likely be TRUE


As such, you much attach a listener to the DownloadCompleted event handler and move all processing to that EventHandler.

objImage.DownloadCompleted += objImage_DownloadCompleted;

Where that handler will look something like:

private void objImage_DownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
  JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
  Guid photoID = System.Guid.NewGuid();
  String photolocation = photoID.ToString() + ".jpg";  //file name 


  using (var filestream = new FileStream(photolocation, FileMode.Create))

You will likely also want to add another EventHandler for DownloadFailed in order to gracefully handle any error cases.


Added full sample class based on Ben’s comment:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
  public MainWindow()


  public void SavePhoto(string istrImagePath)
    BitmapImage objImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri(istrImagePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));

    objImage.DownloadCompleted += objImage_DownloadCompleted;

  private void objImage_DownloadCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
    JpegBitmapEncoder encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
    Guid photoID = System.Guid.NewGuid();
    String photolocation = photoID.ToString() + ".jpg";  //file name 


    using (var filestream = new FileStream(photolocation, FileMode.Create))

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