See if lat / long falls within a polygon using mysql

MySQL as of v5.1 only supports operations on the minimum bounding rectangles (MBR). While there is a “Contains” function which would do what you need, it is not fully implemented and falls back to using MBRContains

From the relevant manual page

Currently, MySQL does not implement
these functions according to the
specification. Those that are
implemented return the same result as
the corresponding MBR-based functions.
This includes functions in the
following list other than Distance()
and Related().

These functions may be implemented in
future releases with full support for
spatial analysis, not just MBR-based

What you could do is let MySQL give you an approximate result based on MBR, and then post process it to perform a more accurate test. Alternatively, switch to PostGIS!

(Update May 2012 – thanks Mike Toews)

MySQL 5.6.1+ offers functions which use object shapes rather than MBR

MySQL originally implemented these functions such that they used
object bounding rectangles and returned the same result as the
corresponding MBR-based functions. As of MySQL 5.6.1, corresponding
versions are available that use precise object shapes. These versions
are named with an ST_ prefix. For example, Contains() uses object
bounding rectangles, whereas ST_Contains() uses object shapes.

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