Selenium WebDriver StaleElementReferenceException

I ran across this same problem and could not find any solutions. Came up with a solution and posting it here, hope this helps someone with the same problem. I created a class to handle stale elements depending on their type, cssselector, id, etc and simply call it like I would any other page object.

public void StaleElementHandleByID (String elementID)
    int count = 0;
    boolean clicked = false;
    while (count < 4 && !clicked)
            WebElement yourSlipperyElement= driver.findElement(;
            clicked = true;
        catch (StaleElementReferenceException e)
            System.out.println("Trying to recover from a stale element :" + e.getMessage());
            count = count+1;

I’d recommend only using this on elements you know cause problems for WebDriver.

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