Setting the datasource for a Local Report – .NET & Report Viewer

You need to create a ReportDataSource, and set its Value property – e.g. DataTable and IEnumerables are supported sources

As an example, and assuming that a method exists to return a DataSet, with a single DataTable matching the columns needed by your report:

DataSet ds = SomeMethodToRetrieveDataSet(); // e.g. via DataAdapter
// If your report needs parameters, they need to be set ...
ReportParameter[] parameters = new ReportParameter[...];

ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
// Must match the DataSource in the RDLC
reportDataSource.Name = "ReportData"; 
reportDataSource.Value = ds.Tables[0];

// Add any parameters to the collection

Note that it is often easier to just embed the RDLC into your assembly, rather than having to retain separate RDLC files. Do this by selecting the Build Action on the RDLC as Embedded Resource, and then you can set the ReportEmbeddedResource property:

reportViewer1.LocalReport.ReportEmbeddedResource = 

Note that the resource string must include the fully qualified name of the resource (including Assembly).

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