Shared AssemblyInfo for uniform versioning across the solution

It is possible to link to a shared assembly info file in VS 2010. Ashish Jain has a good blog post about it: Sharing assembly version across projects in a solution.

After creating the shared assembly info file at the solution level, his instructions for linking to it from a project are:

  1. Right click on the project, in which you wish to add the Shared
    assembly file, and select Add -> Existing Item…

  2. Select the file “SharedAssemblyInfo.cs” from the solution folder.

  3. Instead of Add, click on the the arrow next to Add and click “Add as

  4. Drag down the added linked file alongside AssemblyInfo.cs in the
    same folder.

  5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 for all projects for which you wish to add shared
    assembly file.

I’ve tried this and it works.

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